Allegheny Partners for Out-of-School Time (APOST) invites you to a webinar event to explore tools designed by Roadtrip Nation to support youth career exploration.

During this webinar, Roadtrip Nation will review the Southwest Pennsylvania Skills Navigator and the Roadtrip Nation Experience (RTNE) and how you can utilize them with youth. This event is free and will be recorded. Registration is required to receive meeting materials and details. REGISTER HERE & LEARN MORE ABOUT THE TOOLS HERE!


CMU-ECE will be hosting our inaugural summer teacher trainings on
3D Printers. Have a 3D printer at your school, want to use it, but don’t know how? Come to our FREE introductory 3D printer training!

One day training, with two dates available:

Wed, 7/17/24, and Thurs, 7/25/2024
Session: 9a – 3p
(breakfast & lunch included!)

Training Topics:
• 3D printers & materials • Projects & resources
for classroom integration • Troubleshooting
• Design & print a project!

Join the African American Program for a conversation marking the 70th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education and the 60th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

In recognition of the Supreme Court’s landmark decision and the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the History Center’s African American Program will host a discussion with teachers, activists, and students to discuss this seminal moment in history and its impact today.

While the case ended legal school segregation and declared separate educational facilities to be inherently unequal, the court did not guide the implementation of Brown v. Broad and left its enforcement to school districts. Ten years later, in 1964, the Civil Rights Act was signed, prohibiting discrimination in public places and employment. Civil Rights assisted in forcing the issue of removing discrimination, yet it did not provide a clear framework for school implementation for students or increasing minority hiring practices in the classroom. The execution of the ruling was met with resistance nationwide and led to challenges that continue to affect schools seventy years later.

During this commemorative program, educators will discuss issues that stemmed from the decision and share resources and information on how to advocate for public education today. Current high school students and recent graduates will then present on a variety of topics affecting education to give attendees a sense of how the landmark decision has impacted schools for the last 70 years.

This program is part of Civic Season, presented in partnership with Smithsonian and the History Made By Us national coalition, and the History Center initiative, America 101.

America 101 engages the public to learn American history through public programs, special exhibitions, digital learning tools, and educational curriculum.

America 101 is supported by Nimick Forbesway Foundation.

Call for Student Presentations:
The African American Program is seeking high school students to present on a topic related to Brown v. Board of Education (1954) or the Civil Rights Act of 1964 during this program on July 2.

Participants in the program will receive a $50 Visa gift card.

Matt’s Makerspace Professional Development Outreach Division is sponsoring a FREE Maker Learning/STEAM workshop for educators and administrators.

Download the Summer Workshop flyer

Join us for a fun night of mini golf with space experts, meet an astronaut and enjoy a Red Planet Soda root beer float. Optional: Come as your favorite Martian or Earthling (could be yourself) and enter the costume contest.

The Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh 2024 Summer Teacher’s Workshop is free of charge, and Act 48 credit hours will be available. It will be held in-person on Chatham University’s Shadyside campus, with courses led by Echoes & Reflections facilitators.

Teacher Training Day 1 – Tuesday, August 6 from 9:00am-4:00pm, Check-in at 8:30am


Antisemitism: Understanding and Countering this Hatred Today

It is critical for young people to understand the dangers of antisemitism today and the threat that it poses to both Jewish and non-Jewish populations. This program helps teachers to educate about antisemitism, examining its complexities from historic and contemporary perspectives. Educators gain strategies to help students respond to and counter antisemitism and forms of hate.

Dismantling Antisemitism Training with the Holocaust Center’s Noah Schoen

Who are Jewish people? What is antisemitism, and where does it come from? Why did the Holocaust happen? At the Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh, we teach about the Holocaust with the goal of helping people comprehend its root causes. Understanding antisemitism is a critical part of this work. Our training builds capacity for participants to understand what antisemitism is, how it affects Jewish and non-Jewish people, and what we can do about it.

Teacher Training Day 2 – Wednesday, August 7 from 9:00am-4:00pm, Check-in at 8:30am


Foundations of Holocaust Education: Focus on the Weimar Republic

This program is designed to enhance teachers’ knowledge, capacity, and confidence to teach about the Holocaust with a specific focus on the Weimar Republic and the conditions that led to the Nazis being elected in 1932. Educators are introduced to pedagogical principles and explore classroom lessons, visual history testimonies and other resources that examine aspects of the history and its continued relevance today.

How We Remember: The Legacy of the Holocaust Today

How did the world respond when the reality of the Holocaust came to light? How can we learn from the international response to crimes against humanity in interpreting memory and history? During this program, educators examine the pursuit of justice at Nuremberg, the effect the trials had on how we understand the Holocaust, how survivors coped with the trauma to build new lives in the aftermath, and how we remember and memorialize the Holocaust today.

Families from Bloomsburg Children’s Museum, Lewisburg Children’s Museum, and Milton Community Center compete to earn prizes in this fun competition of creativity and ingenuity. Families work with supplied materials to create a one-of-a-kind contraption to do a task…. Will the task be to launch a ball, squirt water, or something else? Families will learn on the day of the competition what their challenge is- really putting their creative thinking caps to the test! Each family will have 45 min to engineer and build their creation before testing it.

Are you thrilled, excited and amazed at the potential of AI for higher education? Come and join other educators for a presentation on using AI in higher education with hands on tips and hints to engage students and enhance learning and teaching. Join us at Fluxspace for a brief intro to AI tools for higher education, some ways to use AI to engage students and address specific learning objectives and an overview of the highly affordable work of EnlightenED AI, a service of the AI Education Consultant Collective. You’ll also get to experience Fluxspace and their amazing collection of ed tech tools and STEM resources. The event is free and there’s ample on street parking. Light refreshments will be served.

On Saturday, April 13th, NOMA PGH will be hosting our first Spring Workshop with a curriculum designed to celebrate the warmer weather ahead! Project Pipeline will be hosting a community walking and sketching tour, where we will draw, talk, sketch, and observe the buildings and neighborhood around Pittsburgh’s North Shore community. During the workshop, youth will be paired with an architectural professional from the Pittsburgh community and we will practice sketching, diagramming, etching, and many other ways that we can capture the world around us to create a unique narrative about how it makes us feel. The event is FREE and snacks and supplies will be provided, so all you have to do is come! If you are interested in joining the event, please sign-up via the link in our bio!

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the inaugural State and Local Educational Equity Network (SLEEN) Summit, hosted by the Center for Education Equity at MAEC. SLEEN aims to bring together states and districts to address gaps and challenges in achieving educational equity.
About SLEEN: During this summit, you will have the opportunity to collaborate with fellow state and district leaders, engage in discussions about common challenges, and explore potential solutions for systemic inequities. You will also receive valuable tools and resources to develop a plan for addressing state and local drivers of inequity.
By attending this summit and actively participating in the follow-up activities, your state or district team will: 1. Collaborate with fellow state and district leaders to discuss common challenges and potential solutions for systemic inequities. 2. Acquire tools and resources to develop a plan for addressing state and local drivers of inequity. 3. Develop proficiency in understanding the common drivers of inequity in school systems. 4. Use a template provided during the summit to establish a foundation for long-term and sustainable action in addressing inequities within your school systems. Invitation to the State and Local Educational Equity Network Summit We are pleased to invite you to participate in the Inaugural State and Local Educational Equity Network (SLEEN) Summit, hosted by the Center for Education Equity at MAEC. SLEEN aims to bring together states and districts to address gaps and challenges in achieving educational equity.
Agenda Highlights: • Presentation and Discussion on Drivers of Educational Inequity • Why Systemic Exploration of Achievement Gaps Matter: Practitioners leading equity work will discuss their unique contexts and the importance of exploring achievement gaps. • Diversity Data Tool Workshop: Introduce the Diversity Data Tool and allow participants to engage in interactive data input. • Equitable and Inclusive Stakeholder Engagement Practices: Experts experienced in soliciting consultation and advice from the community, with an emphasis on marginalized voices, will discuss equitable and inclusive stakeholder engagement practices. • READI Framework and Data Tool Workshop: An interactive workshop will introduce the READI Framework for equity in implementation and its associated data tool. • Guided Team Time: Teams will have dedicated time to complete the template and plan next steps.