Fred Rogers achieved renown for creating and hosting Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, one of the longest-running and most influential children’s television programs of the 20th century. While the final episode of the show aired in August 2001, Fred Rogers’ impact continues to show up today in classrooms, community centers, living rooms, and anywhere else children and caring adults are to be found learning, playing, and growing together.
The lasting appeal of Fred Rogers’ work may be partially due to his extraordinary character, but it’s also due in part to his careful study of early childhood development. Everything Fred Rogers put on screen–and in the pages of the books he wrote–was rooted in the science of child development. Fred Rogers’ gift was to blend the science of learning and development with deep and simple truths that continue to resonate with kids and adults alike.
Today, Remake Learning is proud to share Wonder With Us, a new booklet that reintroduces Fred Rogers as not just a memorable media personality, but a committed educator who created a blueprint for the neighborhood of learning that our network has been cultivating for more nearly two decades.
As you read, we invite you to wonder with us: How might all of us bring more wonder, more belonging, and more joy to kids and families everywhere?

Special thanks to Emma Swift Lee, Director of the Fred Rogers Institute and Paul Siefken, President and CEO of Fred Rogers Productions for their guidance and partnership in creating Wonder With Us.