Connected Learning Lesson Plans
Over the years, dozens of collaborative Remake Learning Network projects deeply rooted in interest-powered, academically oriented, and peer-supported connected learning practices have been developed with the generous support of funders like the MacArthur Foundation and the Grable Foundation.
In 2017, The Sprout Fund invited 10 Remake Learning Network organizations to develop new lesson plans inspired by their previously supported connected learning programs. This collection of resources was designed to share, remix, and reuse, and it exemplifies some of the best connected learning practices that have developed in Pittsburgh over the last several years.
These ten projects come from ten remarkably varied sources, including public schools, libraries, museums, and makerspaces. Each project is deeply interdisciplinary: major themes include ecology, sustainability, and visual arts, but these lessons delve into intersections between art, technology, science, history, and more. Some of these lesson plans are for activities lasting an hour or a few class periods; others are intended as major projects that can unfold over several weeks or an entire school year.
These materials were developed to share and spread the remarkable learning practices happening here in the Pittsburgh region with educators everywhere. Use these lesson plans as starting points to adapt, remix, and reframe connected learning practices in your own classroom or learning space.
This collection of works by The Sprout Fund is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
The Sprout Fund’s Connected Learning Lesson Plans are open resources for interdisciplinary learning developed by members of the Remake Learning Network.