Dr. Andre Samuel has always been curious. That curiosity inspired a lifelong love of learning and a passion to ignite the same appreciation in others. A scientist and researcher at heart and in profession, Andre is the Founder, President, and CEO of The Citizen Science Lab.
As a next step in his mission to energize STEAM education and help cultivate future generations of scientists and artists, Andre joins the Remake Learning team to lead the Pittsburgh Regional STE(A)M Ecosystem. Andre picks up the reins from LaTrenda Sherril who is now Remake Learning’s Working Group Strategist.
We sat down with Andre to ask about what drives his passion for STEAM and discuss his hopes for his new role with Remake Learning.
Q1: What inspired you to work in STEAM?
A1: I was that youngling who was ‘one with the force’ when it came to science. It has always been an interest, a love, of mine. I have a deep desire to know how things work and I was able to direct that passion and sense of inquiry into a career in science and research. I started assisting in animal research, then vaccine research. It wasn’t long until I wanted to pursue a PhD and do my own research. Through academia, I knew I could do my part to help change the world. As I started working on my doctorate, I quickly realized that I was one of very few, if not the only, Black male in any of these graduate programs and certainly working in the field. I decided that what I ultimately wanted to do was create a program that would change those demographics.
Q2: How will your past experiences, including your work at The Citizen Science Lab, help guide you in this new role?
A2: The Citizen Science Lab is a wonderful vehicle. It allows us to reach many students across demographics and communities with access to science. Because of my love for science and my connection to how today’s students learn, I’m excited to represent Remake Learning’s STE(A)M Ecosystem in a new and energizing way. Science and learning need to be fun, not only for students but for their educators and parents, too. I look forward to bringing new ideas and new events to the group that are rooted in exploration and fun.
Q3: What do you hope to accomplish as you lead Remake Learning’s Pittsburgh Regional STE(A)M Ecosystem?
A3: First, I hope to create a larger STEAM ecosystem. I would like to see it grow to include even more leaders and pioneers who are charging forward to remake education. I hope to amplify voices and organizations across the region and keep us united. The arts and sciences are connected to everything; the more we can model that connection for our students, the better their understanding will be. The careers of the future all rooted in science and it is our job to empower these kids and give them the tools to be successful.
Remake Learning’s Pittsburgh Regional STE(A)M Ecosystem exists to expand opportunities and enhance quality STEM and STEAM learning for students across our area. With Andre leading the ecosystem, we can’t wait to see what’s in store for our region’s STEMosphere.
Learn more about the STE(A)M Ecosystem or connect with Andre at asamuel@thecitizensciencelab.org.