Reporting Live! (From the Moon): A Moonshot Grant Showcase
Powered by Remake Learning
Join us for an out-of-this-world event at South Fayette High School! We’re launching into innovation, learning, excitement, and fun at this Moonshot Grant Showcase. Prepare for an inspiring journey as multiple Moonshot grantees share their discoveries and insights gained from their Moonshot Grant project. After the presentations, there will be time to orbit around networking opportunities, explore your own Moonshot Grant possibilities, and forge new partnerships.
Mark your calendars and get ready for an adventure that will take you beyond the stars.
March 20 @ 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm
South Fayette High School 3640 Old Oakdale Rd, McDonaldPA,15057
Sparking a transformation of learning takes more than events! Keep exploring to find opportunities to connect, available grant funding, and open job positions.