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Rob Miele

Assistant Principal at Chartiers Valley

Mr. Miele brings bring an energetic and innovate personality in the maker movement at the secondary level. He brings an extensive experience in education who currently serves as the Assistant Principal at Chartiers Valley Middle School which was recently named a Don Eichhorn School to Watch in 2023. Prior to his current role, he has serves as an Elementary Teacher in grades 1 and 3, a middle school math remediation teacher, and Elementary Principal. He earned his Master of Education and Bachelor of Science in Education from California University of PA. He actively engages in the region’s education community by promoting innovation and creativity within his school in addition to attending events. In addition, he works with other district leaders to instill passion and energy in students to grow the maker movement at CVSD. Outside of education, Mr. Miele and enjoys spending time with his wife, who is also an educator, along with his son and daughter. He also coaches club soccer and owns his own social media company, Sideline Designs.
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