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Neil Ashbaugh

President/CEO at New Century Careers

Neil Ashbaugh is a passionate manufacturing expert with 30+ years in the advanced manufacturing space in Western PA. He currently serves as the President/CEO of New Century Careers (NCC), a nonprofit providing tuition-free machinist pre-apprentices/apprenticeship opportunities to a nine county region of Southwestern PA. Headquartered in the South Side neighborhood of PIttsburgh, Neil and his team work with over 130 partner companies to fulfill their need for highly-skilled entry level technicians. He serves the local area as member of the Butler County Operating Committee for the United Way of Southwestern PA, and is a member of the National Tooling and Machining Association's (NTMA, Cleveland, OH) Workforce Development Team and as a member of the board of the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS, Fairfax, VA). Neil served and earned two Journeyman Certificates in his career following his
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