Matthew Strine
I have journeyed along a 19.5 year career in K12 education thus far, and I am looking to travel that road for 21.5 more. I've been a teacher, technology coach, technology director, school principal, and a "burn out"...that led me to Corporate America for 18 months...then that led me back to the classroom. In just about 4 years at Monessen City School District I have brought in probably $100,000 plus of resources through grants and crowdfunding. I have built a Computer Science curriculum pathway and exposed hundreds of students to robotics, manufacturing, design thinking, 3D-printing, problem solving, coding, music and video recording, welding/fabricating, entrepreneurial opportunities, and so much more! While that seems like a lot to some, it's just the beginning for me. With an amazing superintendent that I work under these days, we are looking to Monessen back on the map for all the right reasons!!! Oh yeah, in my spare time I work for a world class software company and do professional development for a keyboarding program being used across the globe!