Jodi Klebick
I’m thrilled to be a connector and influencer for service-minded leaders as the Executive Director of Multiplying Good Pennsylvania where I’ve proudly worked over the past 10+ years with middle and high school aged youth through Students In Action, and adult role models and servant leaders through ChangeMakers. As the Executive Director of WQED Film Academy (formerly Steeltown Entertainment Project), I was the American Marketing Association’s Nonprofit Marketer of the Year Award nominee for “Take A Shot,” a unique program and contest highlighting youth voice in innovation, health, and community impact. I was also honored to be the 2023 National Advocate of the Year as the PR Chair for the American Society of Engineers Pittsburgh Section where I co-author of the book, Engineering Pittsburgh: A History of Roads, Rails, Canals, Bridges and More. As President of Klebick & Company, LLC, I received the National Association of Women Business Owners’ “Make the Connection” Community Service Award. I’m dedicated to creating a culture of collaboration, service, leadership, and career-readiness where youth and caring adults can positively impact their communities and their own lives.