The 2025 Moonshot Grant opportunity is now open

In 2025, Remake Learning’s Moonshot Grants return with $1 million of funding to distribute–our largest Moonshot opportunity to date!

This year, the Moonshot Grant opportunity focuses on igniting region-wide transformations inspired by the priorities of Remake Learning’s Working Groups. Applicants do not need to be members of a Remake Learning Working Group to apply.

Letters of intent are due by March 31st.

Learn more and get started RSVP for the STEAM Learning Moonshot Info Session
Two student conservationists review building plans with an environmental engineer.


Answering the great questions of the future will require a scientifically-informed citizenry and a creative, prosperous, and resilient population. Even young people who aren’t destined for careers in STEM fields will need to be STEM literate. We have a responsibility to ensure that formal education systems and informal learning experiences are up to the task.

  Spark something new   Spark something new   Spark something new   Spark something new

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Join This Group

To become a part of this work, please reach out to the group lead to learn more.

Kirk Holbrook

The Pittsburgh Regional STE(A)M Ecosystem is a member of the national STEM Ecosystems initiative. Launched in 2015 by the STEM Funders Network, today there are more than 100 communities across the United States building cross-sector collaborations to deliver rigorous and effective instruction in STEM and STEAM learning.

Support for the Personalized Learning Working Group is provided by The Grable Foundation and the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation.

Shaping the future of teaching & learning

Remake Learning is a network that ignites engaging, relevant, and equitable learning practices in support of young people navigating rapid social and technological change.

Group Members


Meet the people who power the Pittsburgh Regional STE(A)M Ecosystem.